Other Ivy connected events

Ivy Social Club Embassy Hike and Thai Food

March 2, Sun. 10:30am

Meet at: Pad Thai, 4481 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC

Details and to Register: Click here or visit


Join Princeton Club, Ivy Social Club, Bruce McBarnette of the Princeton Club, and friends as we hike past 16 embassies and free appetizers at a Thai food restaurant.

Alumni from the following colleges might also be joining us: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Brown, Dartmouth, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Wellesley, Vassar, Smith, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford, HBAS, Kennedy School, NYU, and Thunderbird. 


Embassy of France Concert and Wine Reception 

April 11, Fri. 7:00pm

For details and to register click hereor visit


For questions contact Bruce McBarnette (Princeton Club) [email protected](703) 404-8429

Join the Ivy Social Club, the International Club, and Bruce McBarnette (Princeton) at a concert at the Embassy of France with alumni from Princeton, ABPA, Yale, Harvard, Thunderbird, HBAS, MIT, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, University of Pennsylvania, Wellesley, Stanford, Smith, NYU, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and Vassar. 

Ivy Social Hike to the National Zoo

April 5, Sat., 10:00am to 2:30pm

Meet at: Thai Pad, 4481 Connecticut Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20008

Details and to Register: Click here or visit


Join the Ivy Social Club, Princeton Club, and Bruce McBarnette (Princeton) on a hike to the National Zoo, followed by free appetizers at a thai restaurant. 

Alumni from the following colleges might also be joining us: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Brown, Dartmouth, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Wellesley, Vassar, Smith, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford, HBAS, Kennedy School, and Thunderbird.  

Ivy Social Club US Capitol Tour

 Sat. April 19, 11:30am

Join Princeton Club, Ivy Social Club, Bruce McBarnette of the Princeton Club, and friends on a tour of the US Capitol, followed by lunch at Sweet Green.

Alumni from the following colleges might also be joining us: Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, Brown, Dartmouth, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Wellesley, Vassar, Smith, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford.

For details and to register click hereor visit:





eton Club) [email protected], (703) 404-8429

Support the Yale Club of Washington, DC

The Yale Club of Washington, DC offers this event to our members and alumni.  However, we do ask for your support in one or both of the following ways:

1)      Please become a member if you are not one already

2)      Donate to the Yale Club of Washington, DC (see option on registration page). 

Membership dues and donations are both critical income sources for the Club, which enable Club operations, programs, and financial viability.